Portable water
- Ground water resource surveys.
- Wells.
- Pumping stations and force main.
- Reservoirs.
- Distribution networks.
- Water supply and system planning.
- Water conservation and water use efficiency.
- Network analysis and distribution system opyimization.
- Water quality and treatability.
- Trenchless technology.
Storm water
- Storm water management
- Watershed modelling and planning.
- Urban and rural drainage.
- Flood control planning and structures.
- Erosion protection.
- Combined sewer overflows.
- Trenchless technology.
- Collection systems.
- Pumping stations.
- Force mains.
- Network analysis and system optimization.
- Effluent out falls.
- Trenchless technology.
Waste water treatment
- Advanced waste water treatment.
- Solids handling.
- Sludge management and disposal.
- Process.
- Compost.
Land development and planning
- Official plans
- Zoning by-laws and amendments
- Subdivisions
- Site plans
- Hydrology services
- Hydro geology and underground water table investigations / studies
- Preliminary and detailed design of sewers, water mains, drainage and grading
- Land use assessment / rapport
| MSC | commitments | Services | Environmental | Structural | Highway | |